Our radio show airs LIVE on talkRADIO every Saturday night from 7pm – 10pm.

Our radio show airs LIVE on talkRADIO every Saturday night from 7pm – 10pm.

“Love this show – always interesting. As a white guy, it’s good to hear what’s important to women who have devoted themselves to women’s issues and the women’s movement and why they feel the need to be ‘badass’ in today’s society. I learn a lot from these podcasts – even if I don’t always feel the same way. Great topics, good honest discussions and best of all, great humour! GUYS…listen and learn!”
“So refreshing – honest, smart and funny conversations. Really enjoying the show’s format. It’s like chatting with your best friends about work, life and love. Not only is it funny and makes me laugh (sometimes out loud on the bus!) but really gives me different perspectives on the world. Keep up the great work ladies!”
“Perfect Sunday listening. I needed to hear this (especially the mental health discussion) more than I knew. Have told all my best girlfriends to subscribe. More, more, more please!”